24 May 2022

Republican National Committee
P.O. Box 758612
Topeka, KS  66675-8612

SUBJECT: You JUST don’t get it


To whom it may concern:

I am in receipt of your latest survey and you still don’t get it.

The Supreme Law of the Land – the U.S. Constitution – the thing everyone on Capitol Hill SWORE to stand for against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, assigns only 17 jobs to the Federal government.

Per the 9th and 10th Amendment, everything (that means all, 100%, no wiggle room) not specifically addressed in the US Constitution is reserved for the States and to the people.

  • Which means the Department of Education should be gone.
  • Which means no funding for Ukraine or any other foreign entity
  • Which means no abortion granted or restrained from a Federal level of government.

You have only 17 assigned tasks and you can’t get even one right, in accordance with the Constitution.  That means you FLUNKED out of Congress even if you were graded on a curve by the most lenient of teacher.

It isn’t that hard.

It’s very simple.

17 items. You probably buy more things than that when you visit the grocery store.

You get it – and prove it by your voting record – and my money will begin to be donated to the individuals who prove they possess a sterling character.

The rest are no better than Putin or Zelenskyy, put together.



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