It’s amazing how many different ways I have had that phrase said to me over the years.
When I was invited to dinner and refused to eat the dessert (because from the age 19 to about 35, I didn’t eat dessert). I was told I didn’t know what I was missing. My reply was “Of course I know exactly what I am missing. That’s why I refused to eat dessert.”
When I was visiting some friends who had recently divorced, but the couple still dated from time-to-time, the wife offered to spend the night with me as I didn’t know what I was missing should I refuse. But I knew exactly what I was missing – the ruin of a friendship with the guy.
When I was shopping for a new car and was only interested in certain maniufacturers as I tend to purchase automobiles I can get my money out of, I was told I didn’t know what I was missing. But what I was missing was spending tens of thousands I’d never get back.
When I cut off a dating relationship with a young woman I had been dating for a couple of years, she commented “you’ll miss me.” We haven’t spoken in 15 years, and it’s the best our relationship has ever been.
When a salesperson tells me “You don’t know what you’ll be missing if you don’t purchase this”, I ask them to explain it to me. Their explanation is typically generic terms which are meaningless in themselves. My follow-up is “everyone tells me that. What makes you different?” which had stopped many a salesperson in their tracks.
However, when I tell you “you don’t know what you’re missing” should you avoid purchasing and reading, nay digesting and implementing my upcoming book on how to succeed under tyranny, I am not selling you anything. I’m simply stating a fact.
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