In the past week or so, several Formula 1 fans have expressed disgust over Helmut Marko’s comment that Sergio Perez’ problem was his inability to focus because South Americans have trouble doing so.
This is not the best and intelligent comment as Fangio and Senna were from South America… Also, Sergio is from Mexico.
But it was words. Demonstrate your heritage and testosterone levels with action, Sergio, and let Helmut lick his verbal wounds.
Nothing else needs to be done.
It is AMAZIN’ how wimpy many people are in the world today. What ever happened to “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” and use the words and actions of others to motivate you to greatness.
I wonder how many truly great people in history cried about others being mean and rude to them? Very few. Without an exception, great people ignore what others say, let their words fall off them like water off a duck’s back and demonstrate their greatness in spite of their enemies.
Instead, the world wants everyone to speak and act like there are no enemies.
All you will get from this is a world where “you will own nothing and be happy”.