There is a lot of talk these days about protecting the US Southern Border. I agree, but we should be protecting ALL of the country’s borders. Without a common culture and belief system uniting us, the country will fragment more than it already has.

But the border crisis was not created in El Paso or or Tijuana or San Luis. No, the border crisis was created and is being sustained by our wonderful tyrants of the Potomac.

And that’s why a Southern Border wall is secondary.

To be sure, it is needed to protect the culture. But more importantly, the United States needs to protect its culture from the aforementioned tyrants. THAT is the wall we need to build.

We need to build a wall around Washington DC as well as a wall around NYC to keep the problems within NYC within NYC. We should be doing the same with many other large cities, such as Chicago and Detroit, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

These walls need to be all designed like the Hotel California.

Let the Potomakers and the Motowners to the New Yorkers to the Francisites and the Angelians enjoy the paradise they have created. Simply do not allow them to foist their ignorance of history upon the remainder of the nation.

Now, on the other hand, you could just let diversity that it imploding the culture to continue. Should you do that, you will need to know how to prosper in a tyrannical society, which is what my book is all about.

Keep in mind the FB police are out and have blocked posts at the simple name of my book and where to get it. So find my name, Ted Leithart and go to my website. There’s a page there that will tell you all about my book.

Do it now, before the FB tyrants dump this post as well.

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