No, this is not because I am a huge fan of Don Adams, star of the 1960s spy comedy ‘Get Smart.’ It’s because I recently heard Congress is considering rule changes during the selection of a new House speaker to avoid chaos.

And I fell in love with chaos in Washington and how I wish they would go together more often. I mean a lot more often. As in virtually every day. Here’s why…

When the United States was formed, the founders were against political parties. In fact, the way the Presidential election was designed was the person who received the most electoral votes would be President. Whoever received the second most electoral votes would become vice-President.

I can hear you now. But that wouldn’t work!! But you are wrong. I would work in spades!

Because while the President and vice-President are debating and arguing with each other over various things they find important, the American public isn’t attacked with an Executive Order or an address to Congress about funding the next boondoggle.

Instead, you have such wonderful teams as Obama and Romney. Well, they’re a team already. Mitt said back in 2012 he didn’t see much ideological difference between himself and Barack, only the method to implement that ideology.

Conversely, Hillary and the Donald would be leading the country. And while they are not leading the country into massive debt-building, unconstitutional regulations and mandates, they may well be fighting tooth and nail about what should be done.

I’m even a fan of seeing Hillary missing a front tooth and Donald limping around for a few days. While Clinton and Trump are fighting and arguing, attempting to coerce the other to their point-of-view, America is free. No edicts, no new regulations. No Executive Orders.

Just living in a Constitutional Republic the way it was designed to be.

I love chaos in Washington as that means the 50 states are free to do what they please rather than be in lockstep with the tyrants on the Potomac.

Wouldn’t you rather have that than being forced to tolerate the would-be dictators and despots the way the country is currently running?

Until then, it may behoove you to put together some plans on how to thrive while living in tyranny, as that is where our leaders are taking the country. But there is hope as well. Both the strategies to thrive as well as the hope we can avoid having our children live under the rule of tyrants can be found in one place. Go to to learn how.

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