That’s the question I asked my cousin this morning. She said, “Well, America’s about diversity, so you are sure to have some socialists just as much as you are bound to have some transgenders or minority race…” and so on.
“Then why do we celebrate the demise of socialism every year in the United States? In fact, it’s a national holiday.”
“It is? I’ve never heard of it, nor have I ever celebrated it.”
“I guarantee you have – without having a clue you are celebrating the death of tyrannical reign in the USA.”
“Are you speaking of the Fourth of July?”
“Not al all. In fact, it isn’t even celebrated during the summer months.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Well. I’d be happy to enlighten you.
“When the Pilgrims came over on the Mayflower in 1620, they agreed to run Plymouth as a commune or socialist community. Everything was shared and everyone was to benefit equally. But it didn’t turn out that way?”
“Why not?”
“Human nature took precedence.
“For example, as I am sure you have witnessed, some people work harder than others while others can leverage their talents better than others. It’s called the Paredo Principle and it states ‘Eighty percent of the work in an organization is completed by 20% of the workforce.
“Some were willing to take on extra workload while others didn’t.
“The bottom line is that if you don’t receive a good return on your application of time, talent and treasure, you tend to work less and less over time. As a result, the Pilgrims nearly killed themselves off due to lack of food, medicine, nurse maids and so forth.
“The following spring the Pilgrims set aside their communal efforts and each family could provide for themselves and trade with each other for the goods and services each needed. And the community thrived beyond expectation.
“In fact, the capitalist approach to farming resulted in such a great harvest at the end of the growing season, the Pilgrims decided to celebrate. And the celebration was the first Thanksgiving.
“So, you see, without the death of socialism in Plymouth, it could have very well been the death of everyone in the colony.
“That’s the real celebration of Thanksgiving – celebrating the bounty God has provided through his grace and each applying their skills in ways that benefits themselves as well as each other. And doing so without interference from anyone. ”
“All which begs the question – why are there socialists in America?”