This past weekend I witnessed a Cincinnati-exclusive event called DangerWheel.
Men dressed in driving suits and wearing crash helmets wheel themselves down the 12th Street hill, racing to see who is the fastest. Haybales are stacked along the course to protect the drivers as well as the observers.
Every so often, there’s a ramp. As a result, every so often there’s a jump.
In short, it’s like motocross for BigWheels. The difference is – these are steel Big Wheels and there are no peddles, just foot pegs.
One of the last races was the blind race.
Here you have drivers wearing helmets with blacked out visors, so they are driving blind.
You would think ‘it’s a straight course going downhill, so what would be so hard to get to the finish line’ but it is.
Drivers are running into bales on the left of the street, then the right. They roll up the ramp only to drive off the side of the ramp.
Luckily, there team members are allowed to tell them where to go, when they are in close enough range to get them to listen.
And isn’t that what its been like the past couple of years, all over the world?
You get 20 feet down the road only to run into a haybale, or tip over. When you think you are all set to continue, you are actually driving across the track to the left side of the track and another haybale.
Zig zagging, back and forth, with no end or goal visible.
Actually it seems like most are passengers on these Big Wheels as the one driving are named Fauci, Birx, CDC, WHO and others with last names like Pfizer and Moderna.
We know the way to the end of the track.
We can get there the fastest (with our chemicals).
Blacked-out visors? How dare you!!! You have to trust the science.
Everyone on the side of science listens to me.
But we ride along, because we are all in this together and this was a global crisis.
Now I understand most of us participated in the blind DangerWheel competition of 2020 because of lockdowns, mandates, arrests and more.
But after witnessing the carnage to businesses, to the world economy, to our global supply chain, to our freedoms, do you really want to participate in the blind DangerWheel race of 2022-23?
The drivers are ramping up their rhetoric for the Fall and Winter season.
Are your financials ready to be run based by government (ESG) rather than the laissez-faire free market?
Personally, I’m opting out.
I’m content to stand on the sidelines, behind the protective ‘haybales’ and observe the masses pile on the blind Fauci or blind science bike.
If you believe the carnage of 2020 was bad (including the fallout from the vaccines), you won’t believe how wild the ride will be in the next 12-24 months.
Get ready.
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