It is interesting to have a governor of a sovereign state within the United States (New York) declare that business owners in her state that there is “nothing to worry about” after the civil case against Donald Trump.
Asked if businesspeople should be worried that if prosecutors could “do that to the former president, they can do that to anybody”, Hochul said: “Law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are businesspeople have nothing to worry about because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior.” (New York governor seeks to quell business owners’ fears after Trump ruling | Donald Trump | The Guardian)
Where’s the victim? There is none.
Where’s the fraud? There was none.
Where did Donald Trump’s organization do anything different than any other real estate developer virtually anywhere in the United States? He didn’t.
But America has to thank Kathy Hochul for being the first governor in the United States to admit there is no longer a Republic or a Constitution or a government where the government gets their just powers from the consent of the governed.
No, Donald Trump was different, she claims. Allow me to translate.
There is no longer blind justice in the United States of America. If you offend or upset the wrong people, they will come for you.
To me, this sounds like something out of Mao’s China or Cuba or North Korea. I’ll stretch just a little and say it sounds like something out of Russia.
I’m confused. I thought Trump was Putin’s buddy.
Instead, Governor Hochul’s stance suggests she is marching in lockstep with Russia’s ancestors – Vlad, Josef, Nikita, Leonid, and to a lesser extent, Mikhail.
Instead of a Black National anthem or the Star Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl, this is what we should have sung. Come sing with me, Comrade Hochul…
An unbreakable union of free republics,
The Great Rus’ has sealed forever.
Long live, the creation by the people’s will,
The united, mighty Soviet Union!
Chorus I:
Be glorified, our free motherland,
Reliable stronghold of the people’s friendship!
Banner of the Soviets, the banner of the people,
May it lead from victory to victory!
Through storms, the sun of freedom shone on us,
And Great Lenin illuminated our path.
Stalin taught us to be faithful to the people,
To labor and achievements, we were inspired!
Chorus II:
Be glorified, our free motherland,
Reliable stronghold of the people’s happiness!
Banner of the Soviets, the banner of the people,
May it lead from victory to victory!
We raised our Army in battles,
And swept the vile invaders from the path!
In battles, we determine the fate of generations,
We bring glory to our Fatherland!
Chorus III:
Be glorified, our free motherland,
Reliable stronghold of the people’s glory!
Banner of the Soviets, the banner of the people,
May it lead from victory to victory!
Should you realize the gulag awaiting you in 2026 or 2029, you may wish to understand Prospering in a Socialist Society, a guidebook I’ve written to provide strategies on exactly how to do so.