When I was 11, I visited Runnymede.
Quick. Without Googling it, what is Runnymede. Or, where is it.
Should you know where it is, do you know the significance of Runnymede. What happened there?
Runnymede is where the Magna Carte was signed. Do you recall what the Magna Carte is – again – without googling it?
These words should be common knowledge in American history – because America has its origin in a meadow known as Runnymede.
Runnymede. Magna Carta. John.
Should you Translate Magna Carta, it means Great Charter of Freedoms.
Basically the Magna Carta noted individuals have freedom. They were not a subject or property of a king, but were independent to live as they deemed they wanted to live. In short, no sovereign between you and your maker.
The Magna Carta found its way into early America and became the foundation of the United States Constitution.
Where are these individual freedoms today? Can we truly say we have liberty when the government decides when you are allowed to work, where you are allowed to work, how many people you are allowed to socialize with, whether you have the authorization to worship as you choose.
Under such living conditions, aren’t we living under tyranny and under despotism? Just look at the protests around the world so people may move and assemble and work as they choose.
How do you thrive? How do you provide for yourself, your family and your loved ones under such a world order?
That’s simple. It begins with men who once again stand for themselves whether it be in a meadow in England, in the court room or marching with thousands to declare war on the tyrants.
Does this mean you’ll flourish to the highest possible level?
Not at all. But the alternative is to diminish to the lowest possible level…