I recall a song from the musical ‘Hello, Dolly’ that it only takes a moment…
Considering we are the most sophisticated nation in the history of the world, that we have the power to blow up the entire world with one nuclear bomb, that our cell phones carry much more power and software than the Apollo spacecraft used in carrying three men to the moon and back again on several missions…
Doesn’t it strike you a bit odd a computer program that, for all practical purposes, is little more than a large Excel file and its only job is to take colored dots on a piece of paper and tabulate these dots into simple addition, with the final outcome determining who wins each contest throughout the nation.
After all, over 180 countries have one-day elections and tabulate the results within hours of the polls closing.
Somehow, the pinnacle of human culture over the past 5000 years needs weeks to tabulate what other countries do in less than a day using pencils and paper.
Somehow this Excel program cannot add in real time, but must begin to tabulate the results after the polls close.
Wouldn’t you think with all the fancy technology the United States possesses, we should have a near 100% accurate count within 60 seconds or less of the last vote being cast.
Any time more than this opens to door to a simple question. Why do we use Dominion or other voting machines and software for vote tabulation if it can’t add ones in real time?
It should, truly, take only a moment.