This morning I read the Biden Administration has welcomed 6.2 million illegals into the United States over the past three years.
It’s obvious they do not desire to honor their Oath of Office and protect the country against invasion. So I have a solution that is EASY and rather inexpensive.
First, We the People, working with our County Sheriffs, arrest the illegals in the county.
Second, they are taken care of while the sheriff arranges for transportation to the nation’s capitol, Washington, DC.
Thirdly, We the People deliver 6 million illegals to DC as well as Joe Biden’s places of residence, stating, “You wanted them, so here they are.”
Fourthly, WE the PEOPLE stand guard against these illegals being shipped by car, truck, bus, boat or train to other parts of the country. If the government wants to fly these 6 million elsewhere, that is their perogative. Keep in mind flight plans must be filed with the FAA so WE the PEOPLE will know where the plane is landing. Simply take the illegals, put them back on various mode of transport back to DC and Biden’s hometown.
WE the PEOPLE ARE the government. Are we acting like it?