My wife informed me over dinner our hometown , Columbus, Ohio, is experiencing a planned power outage. As I understand it, over 170,000 customers of AEP Ohio have lived through a power outage lasting over 24 hours. The official word is the outage was planned to protect the power grid.

Over the past several months, Americans have been warned of power outages and black outs throughout the summer of 2022.

CBS News reported the following in late May: “In its annual summer assessment released this week, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation noted that the Upper Midwest is facing a capacity shortfall leading to a “high risk of energy emergencies.” The entire Western U.S. also could face a power outage emergency in the event of spikes in energy use.”

The article goes on to note these assessments have been taking place over the past 30 years.

What’s the cause of this?

“According to The Walls Street Journal, California, Texas and Indiana are a few of the states facing potential power outages this summer. One of the largest contributors to this latest Biden fiasco is the administration’s push for green energy.”  (from

All this reporting of power outages, forcing a country ill-prepared a New Green Deal and other problems facing America, including inflation and the upcoming food shortages, remind me of a song.

How many of you remember “We are the World”?

To remind you, this was a large movement back in 1985 to assist Ethiopia due to the massive food shortages and famine in the region. As a result, the movement USA for Africa was launched and the song “We are the World” was a part of it.

What was not reported was the reason for the food shortages.

Ethiopia and Eastern Africa regularly experience famine and drought. As a result, the people of this region keep food when it grows as they anticipate and plan for the next ‘food shortage’.

Unfortunately, when the Communists took over Ethiopia, they called this planning “hoarding” and outlawed it. So when the next anticipate drought/ food shortage happened, the people had no food. They needed outside help. Enter Live Aid, USA for Africa and “We are the World”.

You probably don’t know this as an American, but the food provided by other countries came at a price.

At the time, there were freedom fighters in Ethiopia, fighting for the country’s independence from the Communists. The communist government had long-ago determined to starve the freedom fighters out of their mountain hideouts.

All the freedom fighters had to do to get food is to lay down their arms and submit to the government.

This is why it’s so important to be a good student of history – because history repeats itself.

Could the power outages, the food shortages, the supply chain problems all have one common theme – to starve out any independent-thinking Americans?

Call me far-fetched. Call me a loony. Call me a conspiracy theorist.

But should you desire to have a resource that will show you how to provide for your family in the midst of chaos, then you need to get my book, available at

The book provides an understanding of socialism and Marxism as well as why it is so diabolical. It next gives you examples of how to provide for yourself and your family even in the midst of these difficult times. And lastly, how to avoid these difficult times in the first place.

All there in one succinct read that you can probably make over the course of one evening.

All at

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