In February 2009, Time Magazine’s cover story announced “We are all Socialists Now”

Earlier this week, while walking through a store, I observed a customer checking out a POW-MIA flag.I realized “We are all POWs Now”

In other words, in August 2022, Time Magazine could easily do a cover story entitled ”We Are All POWs Now”

Why do I say this?

What’s a POW? It’s a Prisoner of War.

And for the past 2-1/2 years, much more should you care to do some research, we have been involved in a war for Liberty. Or as the government would say, a war to protect everyone from freedom.

While the intensity increased beginning with Covid, America has been held captive by politicians from both parties intent on becoming kings and queens while the average American gets used to serfdom for decades.

As a result, Americans are willing POWs in the War for Liberty.

Many have accepted their new lives, believing in getting along as best as possible. Yet this is exactly why 80% of the world’s population over the past 10,000 years has lived in slavery.

Some POWs have accepted the challenge of giving their lives and sacred honor to the cause of America returning to liberty.

There won’t be many answering the challenge. After all, only 3% of the Colonists took an active role in the first Revolution.

This time, it is not you, as an American, who is the Revolutionary or the insurrectionist. It’s those on the government’s side, for they are acting as a tyrannical regime. The modus operandi in the USA for over 200 years was living in freedom with few rules and even less interference from the Federal government. Anyone interfering with that is the Revolutionary or the Insurrectionist.

In short, when you are called a Domestic Terrorist or an Anarchist or an Insurrectionist, government officials are playing the game they’ve played for decades. You accuse your enemies of doing exactly what you are doing, thus taking the focus off of you.

But Americans have 240 years of history on YOUR side. In addition, you have the Constitution and every state’s Constitution on your side. You have the Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates on your side.

They have Marx (and they believe Marx is right) on their side.

In 1782, the tyrants lost and gave the United States their freedom. Will today’s war have the same outcome, where the tyrants lose once again?

And, what are you doing to ensure the tyrants are once again the losers.

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