A major news story yesterday was President Trump was convicted on all 34 charges. Talking heads on multiple sides are having their say today, ranging from ‘disgraceful’ to ‘Trump must be stopped at all costs.’

All this buzz, all this hubris on conservative, liberal, Republican, Democrat and Libertarian side is all but a symptom. Chests are puffing up with the words ‘Wait ‘til November’ and ‘We finally got Donald convicted’, but these too are just a symptom.

Dad died five years ago this week from complications of cancer. Yet, some symptoms of cancer were showing more than 12 years earlier. Symptoms were treated but I was never told if there were ever any tests to see how invasive cancer was during these early stages.

When he did finally receive a diagnosis of cancer, he decided not to spend the time and energy to fight it, leaving his care in his Creator’s care.

But, what if Dad had received word he had cancer when he was in his mid-to-late 70s? Would he have made different choices? I can’t answer that for Dad, but for many, the answer is fight the cancer with everything you’ve got.

I’ve known Chachi his whole life. He had two bouts of cancer before he was five years of age. Mom and Dad did everything possible to win the war against cancer and thirty years later, Chachi is living a wonderful life.

This was all because Mom and Dad didn’t wait around. They fought the cancer with everything the doctors could do to save his life.

Isn’t it amazing how Chachi’s parents and many others throw their lives into beating cancer, yet allow the cancer within our society to grow and metastasize. Ball games, weekend parties, vacations and more seem to be more important than fighting the cancer killing the United States of America.

No, I am not pointing fingers at a person or political party. John Adams said “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” In other words, without a moral and religious people, the freedom given to us by God and guaranteed by the Supreme law of the land cannot exist.

Furthermore, it seems Americans, at least until recently, believe they (and I include myself in this) can live as immorally and areligious as they please with any consequences. History repeats this lesson over and over throughout history.

An ethical, moral government can thrive only when the officials and workers within that government are moral and ethical.

If the United States desires to rid itself of the cancer hollowing out our soul, it must return to its roots. Conversely, prepare your children for Gulag duty if We, the People, do not return to these roots.

Which brings the question – Is it possible to thrive while living in tyranny? Yes. I map out how to do this in my book Prospering in a Socialist Society. Click on the title of the book for a redirect.

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