College football has kicked off into high gear now that Labor Day weekend is here.
I must admit I am not one, like my brothers, who sit and watch hours of various games to know all the players of the game, the top names of the week (as well as the best plays), and so on.
When we were growing up, they were continually reviewing the box scores and the updated stats of various players and teams.
Rather than telling what I was doing on Saturday afternoons during fall, let’s keep focused.
In 2021, a new cheer appeared at various college stadiums. In fact, on September 7, 2021, this cheer appeared in a number of college games.
Did anything change? Not really.
We still have a dismal economy, partially due to a unscientific mentality that should we close the world for months at a time, it will come back stronger and healthier.
‘Unscientific’ I say. YEEEEPPP. Show me anywhere where a race team stops all practices, stops all racing, puts all the team members on furlough, snowballs all of the instruments and equipment and after several months, they come back stronger.
Show me an athlete who stops training, begins eating the ‘food-like’ substances marketed by the food industry to the masses, forgoes any supplements such as vitamins, minerals and other preparations for performance enhancement, keeps eating as many calories as they did when they were training hard and becomes a couch potato. After months to a year of inactivity, how long will it take this athlete to begin performing at similar levels they did prior to the ‘layoff’?
Show me a wealthy family who stops generating cashflow yet increases their spending habits. In addition, when their credit cards get maxed out, they apply for a higher max and it gets authorized (several times over). After a couple of years of inactivity, the family determines to turn back on their money machines. How long will it take before their ‘machine’ is running as smoothly as before the ‘lockdown’?
YYYYEEPPP. The only thing that makes sense is to analyze the country and the world and realize the Biden Administration has done nothing to earn better respect than they had in the fall of 2021.
To which I say, it’s time to resurrect those old college cheers. FJB!