One definition of Buckeye is ‘a tough nut to crack.’ But those crazy Buckeyes are at it again… (I should know – I have one degree from the college in Columbustown and my wife has three degrees from Ohio State).

On November 7, Buckeyes all over the state will decide whether child support should be paid by the state, not the parents. Allow me to explain…

Issue One in Ohio, if passed, will make abortion a Constitutionally guaranteed right for Ohioans. This will include minors having the right to have an abortion without parental notification or approval.

This is the reason behind working to change the State Constitution from a mere 50% +1 vote to a 60% vote back in August. Keep in mind to amend the U.S. Constitution takes a majority of both houses in Congress, a Presidential signature and approval by ¾ of the nation’s state legislatures.

Issue One will also codify into the State Constitution minors having the right to transition their gender without parental authority.

Which begs the question – where do parental responsibilities begin and end? After all, after November 7, I may not be allowed to counsel my child in ways the state deems is leading or grooming the child to my value system. Also, I will not be allowed to counsel my child in my religious views or values when it comes to gender.

These ‘rights’ will be reserved to the state.

So am I allowed to steer my child toward an educational alternative which teaches abortion is wrong or that God ‘made them male and female’?

Would the state be allowed to determine whether my religious leaders are allowed to preach in ways the state deems inappropriate for children?

After transitioning, when do I begin to pick up the tab for my child’s drugs and hormones? What if my insurance doesn’t cover hormone treatment for minors?

There are a number of issues which, up to this point, were assumed to be the responsibility of the parents in raising their children. After Issue One passes, the state will override the parents in some ways and possibly prosecute parents who guide their children away from abortion or transitioning.

As I said, those CRAZy Buckeyes…

Since the State is deciding what is allowed for children, who is responsible for picking up the tab? Probably the parents… Which isn’t much different than paying for others college degrees.

Allowing the state to have a say in any aspect of your life sets us on the slippery slope to having the state decide every aspect of our lives.

Where did the land of the free go?

Come November 8th, the Buckeye State may be a lot more tyrannical than a supporter of individual rights guaranteed by God.

Should you care to understand how to thrive in such a state, you may click HERE to download a copy of Prospering in a Socialist Society.

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