A friend called me this afternoon. She’s working on a project that extends her finances but also, if successful, helps her to achieve her dreams a lot more quickly. If her short term goal goes well, a lot more people in her niche will hear of her soon…
She has been asking for advice on this project from time to time, but today she said “sales were not going well and time is running short.
“Do you have any marketing advice to help me leverage this project and make it a success?”
“As a matter of fact, I do.” I recalled the project will come to fruition in about a month, so she has little time to waste.
“I recall you are connected well within this circle of people, arguably measuring 2-3 million associates in this ‘circle.’
“I’d do something that attracts them to rally to purchase your products. In fact, many times the spiff is more important than what you are actually selling…”
“How so?” she asked.
“I have a friend who purchased a newsletter for several years. He rarely read the newsletter as the newsletter was in the same industry his business was and he was at the pinnacle of the industry. So, in many ways, an interview with him could have been a featured article in the newsletter.
“Still, he bought. Year after year.”
“Why would he do that?” she inquired.
“He liked the spiffs. The freebies that came with the subscription to the newsletter. It’s the reason Sports Illustrated has their swimsuit issue. Many subscribe to Sports Illustrated just to receive the annual swimsuit issue.
“It could be a clock radio. It could be a sweatshirt with a logo or saying. It could be a coffee cup saying ‘Ted is the Best Human Ever.’
(At the church I attend, I grab a ceramic coffee cup rather than a Styrofoam one due to the health issues hot Styrofoam can cause. I tend to grab the mug that says “Best Human Ever”).
“How about a spiff that the first 50 buyers get that is specific to this sales event? Over time, this could be highly collectible or highly prized. Connect this spiff with the affinity group who would be likely to rally to your cause because you are helping others within the group. Even at a rather high price, the spiff and the helping others gets people to ‘ante up.’”
I followed up with a brief self-image lesson I learned from the Psycho-Cybernetics foundation and suggested we talk in a day or two after we let the subconscious mind do the heavy lifting/ sweating/ worrying for us.
She said ‘wonderful’ as well as ‘Thanks. I love you…’
It’s nice to share the love by providing insight to those seeking answers.
This is an iteration of what my book, The Fastest Way to SuperCharge Your Business (without working your ass off), which I wrote about 10 years ago. I’m in the process of editing the book and should have it available for download at https://TedLeithart.com soon…