Alan Greenspan once commented the Federal Reserve Created and Sustained the Great Depression.

You see, as a privately-owned central bank of United States, the Fed can change the quantity of dollars in circulation — which leads to (and magnifies the) economic boom and bust cycles of U.S. economy.

This was exacerbated by FDR planning to spend and borrow his way out of the Depression. In essence, this would be like a person with insufficient cash flow maxing out their credit cards and becoming a millionaire in the process. I do have multi-millionaire friends who used their credit card to start a business, turning it into a successful, profitable business.

But that’s because they realized the credit card was borrowed money and developed a solid business.

Considering the Fed was only required to have a 40% cash reserve at the time of the Great Depression (meaning every paper dollar required 40 cents of gold backing it). Today, there is no cash reserve requirement for the Fed.

Interestingly, the government determined gold ownership to be illegal in 1933. Once that took place, the Fed and the government had total control over the nation as no one could fund opposition to the ‘reigning party.’ Considering the Fed could greatly reduce the dollars in circulation, thereby threatening a recession or depression should there be opposition to Big Government, and they controlled all the real money (gold and silver), there’s no wonder on why the country marched lockstep toward socialism from 1933 through the 1970s.

However, gold ownership became legal in the 1970s again, allowing individuals throughout the USA to produce outside of the Fed’s economy.

Don’t forget the Fed could once again make gold ownership illegal, thus legally cutting off all funding sources not approved by Big Government.

With such diabolical regimes in control of the USA, how do you consistently provide for yourself, your loved ones, and your family?

I do have a solution to this – a solution that works every time it is used. It’s found in my book, found exclusively at Read and Digest the book – and implement its strategies.

You will be amazed how well these strategies work and how well they work in all circumstances, even when living in tyranny.

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