I have come to realize that the timeless principles the Founders of the USA used to create the government and the society, the free-est the world have ever seen, you didn’t need all these other new organizations.
You had education, health care and care of the aged, you had transportation, you had murderers and assassins, for millenia before 1776. Today, there isn’t anything new – it’s simply new modes of how these issues are addressed.
So the over-arching principles of what government is, was and shall be does not change.
Therefore, why were all these agencies created 100-130-155 years after the country was founded?
This concludes with – in my opinion – there is no need for social security or HHS or the Dept. of Education or the FBI. The heart of man is as black as it always has been. There has been no change.
So, why was it so important to create these new agencies that would fix all these problems the country has done well without and that history demonstrates are at best human, at worse demons, working for an entity whose sole thirst is to gain power.