A major problem with all this in the Constitutionally Elite is believing we live in a Democracy.
Well, then you should be very content with what’s happening to our “Democracy” as history shows Democracies evolve into mobocracy and then vigilantism.
The vigilantes devolve into anarchists and when the sane people have had enough of the anarchy, they give away what’s left of their freedom for security.
After giving away their freedom, they realize the person they gave it to is a tyrant.
That’s how democracy evolves.
If you are pro-Democracy, you’re pro-this.
Otherwise, what you mean to say is you’re for a Republic as long-term, there are only TWO kinds of government – Oligarchies and Republics.
So how do you and your family and your loved ones prosper or thrive in an oligarchy where a small minority of the population run everything.
That’s simple – That’s actually easy once you understand the principles.
I’ll spell them out in my upcoming book exclusively available at https://TedLeithart.com
Sign up for the emails and I’ll put you in for another report which demonstrates Americans do not have to live through 2-3 generations of socialism to realize how deplorable it is
Did I actually call the socialists on Capitol Hill (the majority) deplorable?
Them there’s fighting words, Ted. EGG ZACKLY.
Have the priests of DC (all 450 of them – hmmm that sounds familiar) meet little ol’ simple me and let’s duke it out… (No weapons of mass destruction welcome – and none needed on my end of things).

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