Last evening, I was looking through a few social media sites and came across a page for Laurel and Hardy.

It was and still is entertaining to watch these two men work together. They seemed to always have a different way of accomplishing a task and they were always working to help one another. In the worst of times, Stanley would realize how he had made a situation worse and apologize by getting teary eyed and begin speaking in a squeaky voice.

Regularly, Oliver would say, “That’s another fine mess you’ve got me into, Stanley…”

No matter how bad a situation got, they each wished the best for the other and worked to help each other, even when their help resulted in a worse situation.

If only the world would be that simple today…

If only you could tell President Biden, “that’s another fine mess the government has got the country into… “

If only members of Congress and the President would realize their error, apologize and work to improve the situation. But NNNNNOOOOO. Not on your life.

Instead, the government tends to double down on their mistake and work to make the problem greater. It’s as if they want a worse situation for their constituents.

Maybe you believe they don’t mean to do this. You may believe they are that error prone and are as much of an idiot who desires the best for the country as Stanley did for Oliver.

If that was the case, wouldn’t SOME things work in the country’s favor (read in the favor of liberty and freedom), but NNNNOOOOOO. That seems literally impossible.

Which is, should you rely on the government for your well-being and prosperity, you will have disappointment, time and time again (times infinity).

Rather, do what the Stanley and Ollie did.

They relied on themselves, pulled themselves up their bootstraps and worked to make the best of a situation, without government interfering in the mess.

And that’s why you need to read Prospering in a Socialist Society, found HERE. By doing so, you will know the strategies for thriving in ANY situation. Including any Stanley may add to again and again…

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