It’s always wonderful to get together with friends and family to learn what’s going on in their lives, relax over a little football on the television and relish how blessed we are in the United States. Those who took the day to be angry rather than count their blessings no matter how the day evolved from 1620 when the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth to November 25, 2021 I personally have little use for. But I digress…
Somehow, somewhere Tesla and electric cars and renewable energy came up during dinner around the people I was enjoying lunch with. One person, Linda, claimed the reason renewables are not as advanced in the United States as they are in some other nations, such as Germany or Norway, was the United States was too greedy to let go of some of their ill-earned dollars to develop renewables in this country.
I asked whether the infrastructure was there for renewables and the reply came from Mark that no infrastructure is needed with renewable energy as everything will be self-contained. “As in”, I asked. His reply was “I don’t understand what you mean.”
“As in tell me how everything needed for renewables will be self-contained,” I explained.
“Well, with renewables solar and electric panels on individual homes would charge the electric cars and other things needed to live on a day –to-day basis,” Mark replied.
“That’s not true. A house which has solar panels is not independent of the grid as many suppose. Actually, a house with solar panels is feeding the grid, which is little different than the coal or diesel power plant feeding the grid. The difference is the coal plant provides roughly 70% of the power needed whereas, even in Germany, solar panels provide only 2% of the power needed” I stated.
I continued, “Furthermore, having government develop a renewable power grid is not cost effective as government has a 78% overhead cost. As a result, any power grid developed by the government will cost multiple times what it costs the private sector to develop.”
Mark replied he found it impossible government spent 78% of the money takes in on salaries.
My reply was “I didn’t say that”
How overhead and costs work will be explained in my next email but suffice to say I find a nation which has spent over $4 trillion on Covid, just signed a $1.2 trillion package on infrastructure and is considering another spending bill of $1.7 trillion.
That’s $6.9 trillion in less than 2 years. I recently read where the government is borrowing at a rate of $7 billion per day since March 2020.
With spending and borrowing like this, it won’t be long before $6.9 trillion in Federal Reserve notes will be worth less than the $20 Morgan gold piece I’ve owned for several years.