Are you scared? Are you wondering what 2024 will bring? Are you anxious about the outcome of the elections and whether it will be above-board?
You shouldn’t be…
You are focusing on the wrong things. You really are.
George Soros. Bill Gates. Jeff Bezos. Mark Zuckerburg. All flyspecks.
How can I call these guys who have billions are their beck and call flyspecks (by the way, flyspecks is a nice way of saying flysh*t).
Am I saying Soros, Gates, Bezos Zuckerburg and more are miniscule. As in, they are tiny and you need to look at the real picture.
How can I?
For a very simple reason.
Last week I was in a conference call with a friend from Northern Ohio. He was talking about the economy, investments and money. Amazingly, he alluded to the same thing.
Here it is in a nutshell.
Arguably, there are 75-80 million MAGA supporters (at least there were about 4 years ago). Personally, I don’t think too many of them have gone away.
They may not be as vocal as they were in 2020, but they are still around.
To put this in perspective, there are 85 million people living in Germany at this time. These 85 million Germans make the rest of the European Union look like dwarfs due to their economic power and work ethic.
I expect nothing less from these 75-80 million MAGA supporters.
What if – just suppose – these MAGA guys and gals pull together and build their own Capitalist state. How about these people exchange their Federal Reserve notes for a gold-backed currency and exchange their globalist mutual funds for investing in each others’ businesses across the fruited plain?
(If you’re not an American Constitutionalist, you need not apply).
I think these MAGA people could give Germany a good run for their money.
This is being orchestrated. I’m all for it.
By the way, WE THE PEOPLE are the government. Once we realize this, we’ll see how little the globalists and socialists have control over us (they simply cast a big shadow).
The alternative is embracing a globalist Socialist regime. And for that, you will need to have some hope that all is not lost. It is possible to Prosper in a Socialist Society. CLiCK HERE to find out how…