I overheard a couple of employees at the local hardware store this morning. They were getting ready to set up the back-to-school display (before July 4th).
Employee ONE commented the store used to set up an entire aisle of pencils, pens, erasers, composition books and so on for their back-to-school sale. Employee TWO replied the back-to-school sale has dwindled quite a bit in recent years as much of the schooling has turned to on-line and high tech tools rather than the traditional pencils, paper and chalk boards.
ONE: “You would think the cost of schools would drop substantially due to the use of these high-tech tools.”
TWO: “Yeah, you would think with all these tools, the time grading would drop massively as all the letters, numbers and words can be read legibly as well as spell-check tools.”
ONE: ”Think of the potential drop in property taxes as well.”
TWO: “I agree. But you need to keep in mind the palaces school districts are building. Tax dollars have to pay for all these beautiful buildings and property the school district owns (and runs).”
This reminded me of a comment I heard while at an auction this weekend. A retired college professor was speaking to a colleague on the perimeter of the auction in low tones. He said to his associate there were more administrative staff and overhead staff positions at universities across the nation these days and this was one of the main drivers of college tuition bills increasing so massively.
Given my fractal mind, I began to ruminate about all the ramifications these two conversations stirred. I began thinking of all the classes children take these days.
It is no longer ‘readin’ and ‘ritin’ and ‘rithmatic’. There is so much more to the school day, between the pre-school care, the breakfasts and lunches provided, and the after-school sessions.
In addition, the subjects are much more diverse. Not only is health and science and history to be learned, but health focused on the various proclivities of various genders, including drag queen performances and history based on a Critical Race Theory perspective must be embraced.
I recall a friend’s child who came home from school a couple of years ago to announce they were bi-sexual. At first, the parents were alarmed as well as perplexed.
First, why would a child in 3rd or 4th grade be aware of this term. Secondly, why did a 10-year old child believe they were bi-sexual.
Recently I was made aware that a college several of my friends attended marketed alternative life-styles as something the student body should experiment with. I am the first to admit Numerical Analysis and Gaussian theory is no longer an active part of my professional career, but I somehow have forgotten my college coaching me (or should I say grooming me) to test a sexual smorgasbord to my hearts’ delight.
I realized college tuition and local property taxes could drop substantially – easily and quickly.
All we have to do is purchase a 12- year subscription and renew it for another 4 years for young adults attending college PornHub.
Now for those who believe there are better ways to thrive, you may be interested in Prospering In a Socialist Society. This is a book which provides specific strategies to utilize to thrive – to provide for yourself as well as your loved ones, even while living in tyranny. It’s available at https://Prospering-in-a-Socialist-Society.com