School Days, Skool Daze, Dear old Golden Rule Days
But when I was going to school, it was anything but the Golden Rule. I never had a teacher who treating us students as we desired to be treated. No Sir. We were treated like unruly children with minds of mush which had to be molded into something beneficial to society as well as ourselves.
In high school, there was a belligerent a**ho*e who was rude and mouthy. In fact, I was surprised he was not suspended or expelled for his rude behavior.
Others were not so lucky.
Bad grades. Suspension. In-school suspension. Getting expelled. Getting sent home for the day. All of these punishments were handed out with regularity.
After all, if you didn’t want to learn, you were not going to interfere with those who did. If you want to make a mess of your life, at some point, it is your decision to do so. Making poor decisions was your problem. And society allowed you to lift or sink yourself to the level you decided you wanted to be.
Oh, for those days of yore.
In fact, today makes me wonder whether the belligerent a**ho*es of the country never grew up and have decided it is time to retaliate against the teacher, principals and society in general.
Rather than allowing poor decisions and their consequences to be experienced, today’s society subsidizes these decisions. There are exceptions and there are individuals who need help (and are willing to do what they can to improve their lot) but there are many who have decided to allow society to subsidize and bankroll them.
A great example is this – the migrant situation on the borders.
Should a person desire a better life than what they are experiencing in their homeland, I understand their drive to emigrate to the United States. Past generations did this in mass – including my great, great grandfather who arrived at Ellis Island in 1861.
David had no welfare state. He had no social security. No one promised him a place to live. As far as I know, he didn’t have a job awaiting him when he settled in Ohio. Yet, within 25 years, he had a farm and was a small business owner. So was his son, Theodore. As was his son, Otto. As was his son, Paul.
Today’s emigrant doesn’t seem to want to work for those things. He is given housing, medical care, food, and more – all at someone else’s expense.
Some of these recent emigrants have decided to go back home as they find Capitalism and the American dream too hard for them. This was very much the same in the Soviet satellites soon after the wall came down. Many longed for the days of the Soviet Empire as they didn’t have much, but they were taken care of.
Instead, why don’t we handle societal problems the same way school handled those who were unwilling to work toward an education in my day.
Bye. Good luck. Don’t expect a handout because of your decision.
If we did so, government would be much smaller, Americans would be much more independent as well as liberated, taxes would drop, the welfare state would be non-existent, and more.
Yep. I’m living in a fantasy world (it was known as the United States – a Camelot of sorts). Especially today. Today, instead, we must learn to Prosper in a Socialist State. Which you can do, simply by CLICKING HERE