A large majority of the US population believes the country is heading in the wrong direction.

Three generations ago our fore-fathers fought against tyrannical regimes because of their crimes against humanity and its experimentation on children.

Two generations ago our fore-fathers determined abusing childen was acceptable as long as it was in the womb.

Today, our fathers sanction the abuse of children similar to Nazi Germany. Recall the world fought against this evil regime.

As has been said before, there is nothing new under the Sun.

This year our Supreme Court stated the abuse of children in the womb is not something they should consider. Instead, each individual state should determine for itself how to nurture their siblings.

But there are some Saviors of children in today’s world. They have begun the Era of Sanctuary.

For example, a town a dozen or so miles to the North decided it would be a ‘Sanctuary City for the Unborn’ a little over a year ago. And this is only the beginning…

I suggest your township, your city, your village, your state and your country decide to be ‘Sanctuary from Tyrants’.

Tyrants as defined by:

  1. Determining your guilt by confiscating your property prior to trial by jury.
  2. Taking taxes to support entities which do not support ALL citizens equally. Some are more equal than others as the pigs would say.
  3. Taking away your freedom of:
    1. Assembly
    2. Speech
    3. Worship
    4. Defending yourself
    5. Searches without warrant
    6. Right to trial by peers
    7. And many more

In short, numerous townships, villages, towns, cities, counties and states are declaring freedom from tyranny and dictatorial rule at level of government. This is resulting in a return to liberty, a return to freedom, a return to the Republic (which is what the Constitution says the country is).

It may cost your stock portfolio, your stately mansion or your career. But would you give your time, talent and treasures so your children and grand-children can live free?

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