Our break from our typical week was one big party. No work. No school for my younger son. No networking meetings for my wife.

The party began the day vacation began as we celebrated our wedding anniversary by driving 9-1/2 hours, with a huge 3-hour detour to drop the dog off at the dog sitter. It continued the next day as I celebrated a birthday as well as the family getting together with the majority of the extended family for a rehearsal dinner (for a nephew’s next-day nuptials).

Monday was the wedding. With 9 brothers and sisters, there was one huge wedding party – I think they had 22 in the wedding party, including the flower girl and the ring bearer. Not to be outdone, my brother’s family currently tops that number with 10 children (6 married) plus 15 grand-children. This calculates to 33 in his family (as I write this).

Tuesday continued the partying by commuting to a “Bavarian” village in Northern Georgia culminating in a late arrival back at the dog-sitter (aka my father-in-law). The next two days were filled with Christmas activities at my in-laws home.

We arrived back home on Christmas Eve to ready ourselves the next day’s festivities with my wife’s family (the ones which live within 3-hours of us).

Sunday was a subdued day after all the travels, celebrations and parties.

Life is good. Life is blessed. As it should be.

Yet many in the world do not have the ability to travel and celebrate, to party without having someone monitor my time schedule. For those living in such conditions, my heart goes out to them. And the best I can offer them is what I am offering you – a strategy of how to live – how to flourish while living under tyrants and in a police state.

You can find my book at https://TedLeithart.com and should you subscribe to my email list, and you’ll receive another chapter that’s not in the book. This extra chapter shows you how to AVOID having your children, your grand-children and possibly MORE generations go through decades and possibly centuries of tyranny and return to freedom, virtually overnight

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