There are several places where you can find various articles penned over the past couple of decades regarding Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset.

Simply stated, “by 2030, you will own nothing and be happy.” (Forbes Article sings the praises of this world in 2016)

The reason for this goal is to make the world a more equitable
place to live and work, where everyone is provided an equitable quality of life. Based on the argument that the rich can finance the world should the (the rich) will be required to provide for others via taxation and under threat of incarceration.

There are some problems which many do not seem to recognize. Those who are fans of Agenda 2030 do not realize the rich of the United States, should they be required to turn over 100% of their assets to a fair, altruistic government, would not fund this earthly nirvana for a few months. published an article in October 2019 using the following headline:

“The 550 U.S. billionaires together are worth $2.5 trillion. If we confiscated 100% of their wealth, we’d raise enough to run the federal government for less than eight months.”

An excerpt from an article from (Taxing just the super-rich won’t fund America’s future) states:

“Even if lawmakers fund Biden’s plans through higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy, they would need to raise taxes even further to fund the government we already have. Social Security, for example, is projected to raise only 83 cents in tax revenues for every dollar of benefits it pays out over the next 25 years. Covering these existing shortfalls is a tall order: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found in September that stabilizing the national debt at 100 percent of gross domestic product by 2050 – an ambitious goal, yet well above the historical average – would require reducing annual deficits by $730 billion relative to current law starting in 2025. The top 1 percent of households would need to pay at least 70 percent more in total federal taxes to cover that amount, which doesn’t include the costs of Biden’s proposals or $2.8 trillion in additional COVID aid subsequently passed by Congress.”

The article ends by noting such wonderful dreaming would only happen should every American contribute.

Conclusion: There’s too little assets to fund these dreams.

This is just for the United States, which is roughly 4% of the world population yet being the world’s wealthiest country. As a result, using American wealth to fund nirvana throughout the world will not fund these dreams as well, as the average net worth, should the net worth of Americans be distributed throughout the world, would be $7000.

Lastly, the US government’s overhead has been demonstrated to be 78%, which means the government uses 78% of its income to fund its internal operations, leaving only 22% to serve those it is intended to serve.

All together, these numbers and statistics lead to one conclusion. The newly funded rich will be the bureaucrats and oligarchs, leaving pennies and nickels behind for entrepreneurs and existing businesses and individuals.

Again, in 2030, you will [supposedly] own nothing and be happy.

What’s more pitiful is individuals such as Klaus Schwab, #GeorgeSoros and their comrades will own everything and they will be unhappy and unsatisfied.

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