‘Tis amazing the number of ‘Mercuns who don’t like what they see
What is happening to their country, and the land of the free
Many are ‘fit to be tied’ and find Washington to be a peeve
Wondering what will be next, what will they receive
From the globalists and socialists, I call ‘em that ‘cause it ‘fits them to a tee’
When Franklin said we were given a Republic, but did we keep it
For 137 years we kept it, ‘til we were given big government’s teat
Patriots far and wide still recognize this, and it causes quite a fit
Socialism is taking from one, giving to another and pocketing quite a bit
We could easily reign this in should we stop nursing, even though short-term it will be quite a hit
To the nation’s economy
But it will soon turn about
Mark my words, and do not doubt
Doing what I’m telling you will carry quite a clout
All you have to do is stop manufacturing electrons and calling it money.
For the Fed is a fraud since day one
It was enacted to protect the Robber Barons, not for you or me
Should it continue (or CBDC) they will have won,
But should it implode you will not see me
Shed one tear
No Fed means no easy money
For a time it may be slim pickings for you and your honey
But the goal isn’t to die with the largest pile or the most toys
The goal is give the legacy of freedom to our little girls and our boys.
Still, you can learn how to prosper even while living in tyranny by going to my book, found elsewhere on this website.