On the way home from taking my son to college, my wife asked if we could have lunch with her cousin. I readily agreed and about 90 minutes after leaving the college, we were sitting down enjoying lunch with Ralph.
It was an enjoyable meal and the conversation was light and cheery.
At the end of the meal, I said I was continuing home as the dog was riding with me. My wife decided to visit Amish country and since we had driven two cars to college (it’s amazin’ how much of home kids take to college with them these daze).
Late in the evening, my wife arrived at home. She told me of the curious sight she had seen that afternoon.
Few Amish were riding in buggies pulled by horses. Instead, they were riding electric bicycles. In fact, she drove by one meeting house in the Amish community and only observed 1-2 horses with buggies. However, there seemed to be about 100 bicycles there.
After speaking with a shopkeeper, who confirmed these people were Amish, she found out the Amish have embraced solar power extensively and use solar and batteries to provide light and electricity in their homes.
It seems the line from the Ballad of Gilligan’s Island is evolving – at least in the Amish community.
No phone, no lights, no motor car,
Not a single luxury,
Like Robinson Crusoe,
It’s primitive as can be.
Well, in the future, in Holmes County (Amish Country), it may be:
No horse,
No buggie yet motorized cars,
obvious luxuries
Unlike Robinson Crusoe,
Yet, with this evolution in the Amish lifestyle, there’s something that seems more powerful than e-bicycles or buggies.
That’s freedom. Liberty. The ability to do as one pleases…
While in much of the United States, formerly known for being the land of the free and the home of the brave, our government is determining what cars you will be able to buy in the future. What job opportunities you will have. How much vacation time you will be allotted or whether you will even be allowed to vacation.
In short, ESG versus Liberty.
If you’re Amish, you may not have to apply (because you made the choice of your own free will).
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