Some may argue there too little gold and silver for all the transactions in today’s society. While gold and silver is physically rare, the desire is to have a currency that is worth the same today as it was 50 years ago as it was 150 years ago. As a result, a Ford would continue to sell for a few hundred dollars, $5 per day wage would still be considered a good worker’s wage and houses could still be purchased for $5,000.

Conversely, under our current monetary policy, the money you save to purchase a collectible car when you retire loses 50% of its value every 10 years. For which, if you are as lucky as I am, you receive a 3% interest rate.

SECONDLY, asking government to pass a Saver’s Protection Act is like asking the fox to protect the proverbial hen house. Government is the ONLY entity that can create inflation .

From  “Monetary inflation is commonly referred to as the government “printing money” although the actual process is a bit more complex than just cranking up the printing presses but the effects are essentially the same.”

In essence, asking government to protect savings without cutting off their ability to print money is meaningless.

Additionally, asking the government to insure our savings receive a minimum interest rate which reflects the inflation rate of the past year can simply be ignored by government redefining the base of the CPI (which is does regularly) . Government redefines data to manipulate the statistics to reflect what it desires.

The Bottom line is Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. THIS is another reason why you MUST understand how to take care of yourself as well as your family in these times – in tyrannical times – and in socialist regimes.

I’ll show you how – specifically – no song and dance – no PR campaign other than telling you why you need my book – to do this.

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