Earlier this week, Neil Young removed his music from Spotify as he was sharing a platform with Joe Rogan, who has “a concerning history of broadcasting misinformation, particularly regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.”

First of all, whether Joe Rogan publishes misinformation regarding Covid-19 or any other issue in the world is a moot point.

We have a rogue (he is a rogue and from a Constitutional standpoint, he’s going rogue) in the White House. He is, according to the Ukrainian president, misguided, misinformed and does not understand the current situation.

War costs lives, primarily the lives of our young adults.

Yet our President is willing to be ignorant of the facts, barge ahead and create a scenario similar to the beginning of WW1 where old men still want to demonstrate their power on the world.

As a result, thousands of Americans as well as Russians and Ukrainians may soon die should Joe Biden have his way.

So should Joe Biden be silenced (from a news cast, news reporting viewpoint). No. Hopefully swifter, more insightful minds will prevail yet I still remain firm in the belief the USA has enough “checks and balances” left in it to protect the country from falling into another meaningless war (maybe I should say this last statement while genuflecting to God).

Similar viewpoint should be given to Joe Rogan.

Yet Neil Young and Joni Mitchell, young revolutionaries and living in the counter-culture 1960s (60 years after it became history) believe voices which do not agree with them should be silenced. Isn’t this what the 1960s were about –?

Don’t trust anyone over 30;

Down with the establishment;

Make Love, not war.

Today Joni and Neil would:

Make love IF you make love the way they approve.

Trust a person IF they are over 70.

Want to be the establishment and death (at least verbal death) to others.

I find it of the highest irony Joni and Neil are acting like our grandparents did in the 1960s. Where are the Joni Mitchell and Neil Young I remember from 1968? Have they gone where “the flowers have gone”, much like our President’s gray matter?

The revolution Joni and Neil advocated is still with us today. The revolutionaries now wear suits and are elected to national office. These revolutionaries are still dreaming of Marx and Lenin.

And the counter-revolutionaries are to be silenced. Much as they have been in the past, in places like Germany, China, Cuba and others – silenced by the Marxist revolutionaries.

Yep, Joni and Neil are still with us. And like Che, they still chant “Viva la Revolucion.”

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