On Tuesday, President Biden met with the Senate Judiciary committee. During his comments, he noted the “Constitution is always evolving slightly…”

In response, attorney Ken Klukowski stated “Justice Antonin Scalia famously explained our Constitution is in writing because written words do not change over time. When the American people decide change is warranted, they amend the Constitution through their elected leaders, not have it imposed on them by unelected judges.”

But President Biden’s comment brings up a good point. When does an agreement change, or when am I allowed to unilaterally change an agreement.

Since the Supreme law of the land evolves over time, certainly other agreements and contracts can also evolve over time.

Does this mean I can unilaterally change my mortgage agreement? After all, if the Supreme law of the land can evolve outside of an agreement between the citizens and the government, certainly a miniscule agreement between a person whose last name is Bank and me should be able to be altered as well.

How about my marriage contract? This unilateral change certainly provides a different perspective on Hunter’s and Joe’s private times.

How about my credit card terms?

Joe, the political giant as well as legal superior that he is, fails to understand integrity and ethics matter. Rather than changing financial, political or other aspects of your life with no regard for the others involved, Joe suggests we can charge ahead using judges, mandates and executive orders to do whatever he pleases.

In short, Joe has proven himself to be a tyrant, which makes the citizens of the United States slaves.

And how to slaves prosper? That I can tell you. I can show you strategies that work every time it is implemented and held to.

Simply check out my website, https://TedLeithart.com for details of my upcoming book.

Read the book time and time again. Get a reference copy for your extended family members and friends. Implement the strategies therein. And prosper.

Even under Joe and even when you don’t have contracts with the CCP.

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My name is Ted Leithart and I'm here to challenge YOU to reach your highest potential and calling, faster than you ever thought possible. Insightful, thought-provoking and spiritually superior (although sometimes offensive) emails to you almost every day. My desire is to assist hundreds of thousands of people around the world. And I want YOU to be next! 

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