While reviewing my most recent musings this afternoon, I realized how profound one of my random thoughts is.

In fact, it is so profound, I believe there should be another government department added to the bureaucracy. It is that important and it would also help most Americans understand current events.

Without this department

  • The debate over whether what we read on the Internet is true would continue forever.
  • All the mis-information regarding the CoronaVirus and we would not know when Mr. Fauci’s insights are fact or opinion
  • Americans would never know whether President Trump collaborated with Russia to win the 2016 election
  • Moving the country from poor energy sources like oil to the wonder of renewables would never take place
  • Wall Street Bankers would continue to manipulate markets to enrich themselves while turning the populace into destitute slaves

I suggest this New government department be entitled The Department of Deception.

All government correspondence would need to be reviewed for content and understanding prior to release and all official government correspondence would be disseminated via the Department of Deception.

By doing so, Americans would finally understand all correspondence from the government is pure uh, well, uh, duplicity.

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