As I was listening to the news earlier today, I learned of testimony in Washington, DC today on the greatest threat to America today.

It isn’t the failing economy or the reason for the failing economy – government debt brought to you by a fraud of a banking system, the Federal Reserve.

It isn’t extreme Islamists (remember the War on Terror from a generation ago?)

It isn’t Climate Change, which, according to Greta and Al, will kill us all in the next 10 years.

Several years ago I was speaking to a university professor of history. We were speaking of the overwhelming lessons to be learned from history. My friend, the professor, noted that all wars are the result of class struggle between the rich and the poor.

“I didn’t know you were Marxist” was my reply. “Good versus evil would be the number one lesson I have learned from history” I continued. Since that day, my professor friend has become distant whereas previously we travelled together, partied together, celebrated life events together.

The testimony given in Washington SHOULD bear a similar answer – the biggest threat to the USA in 2023 is Marxism.

Unfortunately, the speakers were not insightful in their rhetoric. Rather, several testified the largest threat to America today is a man – Donald J Trump. And his MAGA supporters are a part of this as well, I surmise.

What if, in 5 or 10 or 20 years, when a few of our Congressional members have moved on or died, there will be a different balance of power…

What if, in 5 or 10 or 20 years, it was the Jews or the Muslims or Blacks or Women who were the problem?

Isn’t it the same argument? Whether you want to agree or not, it is. You may know if by a more formal title – one my university professor friend used in my story.

It’s called Marxist Dialectic. Karl used the terms Bourgeois and proletariat. My Professor friend would substitute rich versus poor. On Capitol Hill today, it’s Trump and MAGA versus our Democracy.

Marxist regimes, be it socialist or Communist, Fascist or Nazi, were the murderers of 100 million people in the 20th Century, just as Nietzsche predicted.

It is a sad day when the ‘last bastion of freedom’ uses the hallowed halls in Washington to welcome multiple speakers, all reflecting how well Vladimir Lenin educated them. Maybe that’s why I’ve long been a proponent of closing the Department of Education.

Maybe you are beginning to realize what’s in store for the country and the world should we continue this march. If so, you may wish to understand how to prosper while living in tyranny by grabbing a copy of Prospering In A Socialist Society HERE.

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