Several months ago, my next door neighbor, Paul, commented that everything will be alright with the United States if we just got rid of Trump.
Now Paul and I have had a strained relationship for several years, going back to when my son was 7 or 8 years old, and he treated my son unfairly because he did not like some of the childish things my son did.
The other day, Paul started his truck to warm it up in his driveway. I took the opportunity to get in the truck and move it to my driveway, turn it off, and take the keys inside. A few minutes later, there was angry pounding at the front door.
Amazingly, it was Paul.
“Why did you take my truck?”
“Well, I decided you have gone too far in your actions over the years, so I decided it was time to do the Biden thing.”
“What do you mean by that?” he asked through gritted teeth and with clenched fists.
“Settle down and I’ll explain it to you,” I replied calmly.
“It’ll take a few minutes – can you spare the time?”
“Yes” he growled.
“Recently Biden and the world determined to take other people’s property even though they had not done anything wrong other than being the wrong nationality.”
“We’re both American… Give me back my truck!”
“Hold on. You’re saying that even though you and I have had our differences over the years, most recently over you cutting trees on my property as well as my not getting your approval for the upgrades I’ve done to my backyard, I should let bygones be bygones?”
“Absolutely. That’s what civilized people do. Give me back my truck!”
“So live and let live?”
“Yes. Give me back my truck!!”
“So you are admitting you were wrong to call the sheriff on the concrete workers last summer, to call them again about my concrete work in my backyard and to cut trees that are on my property, and so forth?”
“Well, yeah (He was less heated now as he listened to wat I said). Ted, would you give me back my truck?”
“No, because our current governmental viewpoint you have not behaved and spoke to me in ways I think is appropriate. I’ve confiscated your truck until your friendly neighbor score improves based on my rating system.”
Paul took a swing at me, I countered with some moves I learned in my son’s JKD class and Paul went down quickly with a bloody face and a chipped tooth. He retreated to his property, knocking over a ceramic flower pot as he went.
How long until you think Paul will show up to my door with the sheriff or decide to take matters into his own hands, aiming whatever arsenal he has at my property and family?
How long will it take for me to take the arsenal in my house and get ready to defend my property and family?
Wouldn’t the best way to resolve this neighborly quarrel would be to let bygones be bygones and “llive and let live?”
It’s a good thing that although several of the events mentioned in this post are true, I have not retaliated in any way, but decided to “live and let live.”
If you agree, then maybe it’s time the world does not take other people’s property when they do things they are not happy with. Maybe it’s time the world stop taking Russian assets as well as the personal property of others simply because their Russian and work to not escalate the damage that’s already been done.
Because what world government has done to Russia and its oligarchs, world government could easily do his will only result in more animosity and anger with World War III as the result.
And there will be a winner of World War III. Tyrannical dictators – that I can assure you.
Then, you’ll need my book more than ever, so you can understand how to thrive even while living under world government and in tyranny. It’s found exclusively at
Subscribe to my email list and I’ll include the ‘secret’ chapter, detailing how to avoid living in tyranny for the next 2-5 generations before freedom comes rallying back, as it always does.