I was perusing through social media this afternoon and came across an advertisement for a shirt which read “I miss the America I grew up in”. In several ways, I agree… At the same time, many of the same forces at work today were at work when I was growing up.

I grew up in a rather idyllic location. While I went to school in the inner city, I lived in the suburbs and car-pooled from my parent’s house to a parochial school close to downtown. The school was attached to the church I attended while growing up. Although it was a Lutheran school, if you could relate to attending a Catholic school during your youth, you can relate.

Because the church and school was connected, I saw my classmates 5 days a week and then again on Sundays.

In addition, since I lived 6 miles away from downtown, I was in the suburbs (at least it was considered that at the time). So while my classmates dealt with inner-city problems, race riots and strained neighborhood relationships outside of school, I was immune to that.

I was aware what was going on, but I didn’t have to live in the situation on a daily basis. The riots and demonstrations of the 1960s were highly visible, but my parents worked to make sure the family was not threatened by those situations. In fact, the family purchased some ‘bug-out’ property in the early 1970s due to the unrest in the city. This ‘farm’ was a place the family could escape to should the situation in the city be intolerable.

What is most important to realize is the same dynamics at work in the 1960s are the same forces at work today. Although it is very unpopular to say, the violence of the 1960s was financed and promoted by the same entities doing the same today.

The leader’s name has changed and possibly their marketing logo has as well, but the work and the strategy to move the United States from a free, peaceful, independent, sovereign country into a piece of the globalist nightmare (currently known as the Great Reset or Agenda 2030) is the same.

In fact, My wife overheard a well-known business coach lamenting the country was being taken over just as some had predicted in the 1960s.

You may have become immune to the anxiety in the country and the world and believe this too will blow over and we’ll get back to normalcy. No, we won’t and we never have. We’ll continue to march lockstep toward our demise unless massive action is quickly undertaken.

The best example I can give of this is Bill Clinton’s legacy.

I maintain Bill Clinton’s legacy is moving the center massively to the left. If you were a Reagan conservative during the 1980s and continued to be such throughout the 1990s, by the end of the Clinton years, you were labelled ‘out-of-touch’ and an extremist.

No. you haven’t moved although words and the redefinition of pieces on the game board did.

Do I long for the days of the 1960s? No, as there was too much upheaval and fighting and preaching of revolution.

Do I long for the 1940s or the 1950s? No. the plants which were ripe in the 1960s universities were planted in the 1930s and 1940s.

So what do I truly long for? Americanism and the principles she was founded on.

No matter the age, the principles she was founded on are timeless. These are principles the Pilgrims quickly realized as their experiment with socialism almost killed off the entire colony.

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