My Dad asked me to attend a weekend symposium in Washington DC in January 1989. I do not recall if it was the last days of Reagan’s time in office or the beginning of H.W’s Administration, but I digress.

Anyway, a few days before we were to travel, Dad called and told me he had to stay home and my brother would be joining me. We spent the next few days listening to speakers and attending various events. My brother decided it was time to defrag (was this even a term in 1989) as he suggested taking a walk on the Washington Mall.

So we did. We slowly wandered our way from the Capitol to the Washington Monument while speaking about the symposium and the speakers.

It became apparent during our conversation that Republicans were pro-socialist as well, although they wanted socialist-lite while being in the majority of the Representatives on Capitol Hill.

Should you think of it, there had been a recent election of George HW Bush. I knew of the Bush family years before George HW ran for President, so I did the right thing in November 1988.

I voted third party.

In fact, I did vote for either side of the Uniparty from 1984 until 2016. And in the upcoming election to determine who will lead the Uniparty with its socialist ideology, I will most likely vote third party (or truly, it would be voting for a second party).

Here it was, the Berlin Wall still standing, with Reagan’s demand ‘Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall’ still ringing in our ears, that I walked away from the seemingly conservative political party.

I keep hearing about America waking up yet I still see CRT in the schools, the lie of Climate Change killing capitalism throughout the world, a defenseless border allowing the USA to be invaded (and thus, killing any homogeneity of the American race) and more. I still see the government pursuing tyranny as much as Sleepy Joe pursues underage girls…

Which makes me ask – don’t you think you should understand how to provide for yourself, your family and your friends even should you be living in a tyrannical society? My book, Prospering in a Socialist Society, does exactly that. It’s found exclusively at

Better yet, get several copies so your friends and family can be in a prosperous way as well.

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