For a couple of years, I keep hearing Christians who believe in a national government (otherwise known as the US Constitution) are the biggest threats to America.

We are.

If you look at the definition of America at the Collins Dictionary online, you will see three definitions for America. Here are the three definitions…

1.  North America, South America, and the West Indies, considered together: also the Americas

  1. North America
  2. US, as in  the United States of America

I am a citizen of a country, not a region of the world. Nor am I a citizen of the world.

Keep in mind if you consider yourself to be a citizen by the first two definitions above, the Supreme law of the land is not the United States Constitution. As a result, you have no freedom of speech or Second Amendment rights. You have no limited government. You are a part of the global socialist regime.

Everyone’s favorite President, President Trump (I say this simply to stir the ire of many as well as to keep you reading)signed the USMCA, a warmed over version of NAFTA (that’s the North America Free Trade Agreement), making the United States part of the North American region of world government.

To me, that’s not America… I am not a citizen of the USMCA.

I am a citizen of the United States of America. Therefore, the founding documents acknowledge I have been given Rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by my Creator.

Again, a person like me is the biggest threat to global tyranny (otherwise known as regional government, USMCA, bowing to the United Nations, the WEF, the WHO and many others). Because I believe the INDIVIDUAL is Supreme over the collective.

As a result, my actions are only by morals and ethics, not tens of thousands of pages of rules and regulations.

If you don’t see this as a threat to tyrannical despots, I suggest you are a problem as you are not an American (by the third definition). You are treasonous as you exchanged your God-given liberty man-made security.

You have every right to live the life you want. But first, get honest with yourself and move to a nation that embraces totalitarianism. The United States does not.

Should you desire to know how to prosper in the coming tyranny, just CLICK HERE to get my book Prospering in a Socialist Society…

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