How do we reign in Washington
For their over-reach needs to be undone
It seems they need to control everything about us – and that is not much fun
If you don’t see that, you probably won’t believe they are trying to turn down the Sun

A few may say we need to revolt
By doing so we are running away from the Constitution like a young colt
What I propose will give Washington quite a jolt
It would be like sending each one of the 536 on Capitol Hill 10,000 volts

Before I get started am I advocating violence or unrest in any way
Not at all, listen to what I say
Listen and learn – and do not listen to the bray
of the Elephants and Donkeys grazing on your money near Potomac Bay

Our Founders gave us a tool
It’s called the Constitution and it was built so the country would never be the fool
All they need is to play it cool
And let the Constitution fight your duel

Not Article V for there is no leash
To curtail the Convention in any way, Capish?
Once 34 states have called for a Con-Con
It’s Congress that chooses the delegates, not you my son,
Nor can the Convention be regulated or controlled
Should you think other otherwise, read the rules before you learn the truth too late, and your pants will be soiled.

Article VI is the tool of which I trust
To handcuff the Federal government, this way is just
Nullify that, Nullify this, ‘Not in MY state’,
Let those who are fools be the ones who suffer Washington’s fate

Hold Washington to task and do not bend
Get off Washington’s teat as well, if you wish to defend
The land of the free and the home of the brave, our honor is the just end
Everything from Washington is all pretend

From money to health care to education too
Big government is not interested in you
Although I must admit Big government loves slaves
Nullify this, Nullify that to keep the home of the brave

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