A little over six decades have come and gone
As when I was in grade school I could reach out and touch the 1880s
A time soon after the War of Northern Aggression
When family and hard work were the passion
In the US of A
No welfare state, no income tax and a gold backed currency too
And an American who could not read numbered few
Freedom and Liberty were the name of the game
Today’s gullible Americans believe today is the same
They don’t see the shackles made by Welfare, Medicare and the socialist state
Many don’t even recognize these things exist because of liberty’s fate
Soon my children will look fondly back on this date
Recalling elusive freedom, Lady Liberty’s mate
Socialism can easily be stopped, you know it’s true
All it takes is a little backbone from me and you
In fact, America’s first Revolution had only a few
Who pledged their life, liberty and honor
It has not changed since Grandpa’s time
As those who stood for liberty, whether young, old or in their prime
Today those who desire the best for their off-spring
Stand on these foundational principles rather than enjoying a short-term fling
Striving to ensure another generation secure liberty. Now that’s how to live like a king!
Should you desire to have an arsenal of strategies to enable you and your loved ones to prosper no matter what is happening in the world, go to https://TedLeithart.com/prospering-in-a-socialist-society/