How soon we forget…
In the past couple of days, during the Senate confirmation hearings for #ketanjibrownjackson , the judge was asked to define ‘woman’.
Jackson said she could not define woman as she was not a biologist.
And she’s being ridiculed for this. May I provide a different perspective…
For the past two years, up until a few weeks ago when the news media dumped the pandemic marketing in favor of the Ukraine war marketing, the world was experiencing a pandemic which some described as worse than Pearl Harbor or 9-11.
The pandemic was supposed to be that detrimental to the world.
There were dissenters to this marketing, which were silenced through job loss, threats of job loss, and shouted down for not “following the science”. In short, the tactics used by domineering parents or bosses who can’t seem to keep employees.
I know several personal friends who were shouted down (and told to shut up) because they were not an epidemiologist. Only epidemiologists had the knowledge to find a way to overcome the pandemic.
Yet the dissenters of the pandemic have demonstrated, over the past several months, their simple-to-follow methods cure Covid-19.
Vaccines were not necessary. Nor were lockdowns or masking or social distancing. Much of this hype, should you read various perspectives and make your own opinion, was marketing. Pure and simple marketing by Big medicine and Big Pharma.
My point is – for two years, only epidemiologists and Fauci had the answer. Now its been shown they had very few, if any answers.
Ms. Jackson is simply using the same argument that unless you are an expert in a field, you have no right to voice your thoughts or opinions (or fact). You must be an expert, recognized by Big Education in order to express any meaningful thought.
In short, Ms. Jackson will have to abstain from many of the cases which come before her bench as she has no expertise in science, math or virtually anything (other than language) pertinent in modern society. Therefore, by her own words, she is unworthy of begin a Supreme Court judge.
Ms. Jackson must also keep in mind through all her work, her rulings, her political beliefs and any agenda she has, to the major players in our global society she is a “useful idiot”. Because once the socialist revolution begins, the doctors, lawyers and people of influence disappear into the gulags first.
All progressives should be aware of this should they care for themselves and their loved ones.