WOW! The number of times I overhear a conversation, get told something, read an insight in a blog or news article and more is overwhelming. What’s overwhelming is the massive number of viewpoints that get it wrong. TOTALLY get it wrong!

Here we are in the middle of another election year in the USA. It seems everyone has their favorite candidate as well as enjoying pointing their fingers at an opposing candidate.

“My guy’s the guy and the other guy’s in league with Satan,” is a good way of summarizing what I hear from almost every side. And I don’t care who your guy (or gal) is, you are wrong!

“All we gotta do is pass this law and that” is interwoven into conversations on how to rectify unwanted pregnancies or lessen the number of poor and a host of other solutions. Without a glance at what their bill or article says, I can vouch they are wrong as well.

“We just need to print more money so more people have more” is suggested by some – and they are completely wrong as well.

“We need to just let everyone live the way they want to live” Guess what? This thought is wrong as well.

“The United States was an immoral idea since 1619” is another wrong ideology more are parroting today.

“Let the government take care of the problem. After all, they know better than we do” is wrong as well

“Love is the answer” means so many different things to various people. This is about as meaningful as your truth versus my truth. But if all of us have access to “our” form of truth, then any direction should result in a solution. Unfortunately, most ‘truths’ do not as it not ‘the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

Truth is exclusive. Otherwise, there should never be any error, no mistakes, and no accidents – as everything is true.

And that is wrong as well.

I could listen to the Presidential debates and every notion proposed by every candidate will be wrong. I guarantee it.

I can hear Rxxx, Mxxxxx, Jxxx and most other friends and family calling me, telling me, knocking on the door to explain how cocky and arrogant I am. I’m sure some would use a paragraph of expletives to convey should pitifully misguided I am. And, guess what? They are all wrong as well.

Because I have the solution to all this. In fact, I spelled out the answer in my book Prospering in a Socialist Society.

I spent quite a bit of the book arguing from several viewpoints why socialism would be a mistake in the United States. It currently is (to the extent it is) and will continue to be so  the more it is implemented. Why? Because socialism is based on a false premise.

Next, I provide several stories of individuals who thrived while living in tyranny. In these stories I also give reasons and strategies on why these individuals did so well.

Lastly, I give an understanding of why Joe Schmo or the Donald or RFK or anyone else doesn’t have to be elected in order to fix America. Nor do we have to replace members of the Supreme Court, get Congress out of our lives, or condemn Judge Merchan to live under a ruler whose mind functions similarly to his own.

But, yes, there still is a solution. A singular, profound, do-able solution. I spell it out very directly in the book, which is available here

Straight-Forward Insights -
Prosper to Your Highest Potential!

My name is Ted Leithart and I'm here to challenge YOU to reach your highest potential and calling, faster than you ever thought possible. Insightful, thought-provoking and spiritually superior (although sometimes offensive) emails to you almost every day. My desire is to assist hundreds of thousands of people around the world. And I want YOU to be next! 

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