It’s time to sing a song of praise
You see, America is going through a phase
She’s lost her way in history’s maze
For a long time Lady Liberty knew what home was
Pilgrim’s Progress, The Declaration and Constitution were the major buzz
Beginning in 1620 and continuing through the 1980s
But when Ronnie left his Home on the Potomac
The Bushes, Clintons, Obamas and Bidens were straws which nearly broke her back
You see, globalists and un-American ideology are like a manure-filled sack
While you may not like it, these are the fac’s
But it began before George H W entered Miss Liberty’s house
Prescott, Woodrow, Franklin and Teddy helped lead the way
The answer lies not in Washington although many believe it may
No, follow the Lady’s founding documents if you want freedom to stay
Me. You. We as individuals
United as one to stand for each other
Built a government protecting our God-given inalienable rights, we stand as brothers
Pledging our lives and our sacred honor
This is what makes Lady Liberty our common mother
After 5000 years that it took to form this more perfect union, it’s not open for debate
Rewriting our Constitution so that we may restate
What we think is lacking.
The answer is not more law
The answer already written law
It’s concise and near to being without flaw
The answer is found very near the Washington Mall
You act like the Declaration and the Constitution are God’s law
They are not, but these documents are based on that law
Written in what some call ‘the Book of Life’
With that book and taking Lady Liberty as wife
Will continue to lead us toward that more perfect union.