As I was glancing through various news feeds and posts this afternoon, I noticed my congressman was ranting about the Border resolution bill.
Specifically, this is what Greg wrote on his social media account:
“I spoke about my absolute disbelief and genuine disgust with what the Speaker did Tuesday night.
“My colleagues and I attempted to amend this bill to include aid to all three. We were denied. But we will keep fighting to fund Ukraine, Tawain, and humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.
“This is what the American people want, what our global partners need, and it’s what this moment requires of us.”
This short post reflects Greg’s obvious failure of high school civics class, as follows:
Greg notes the American people want to continue funding Ukraine, Taiwan as well as humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.
Nowhere in the Supreme law of the land is the Federal government given the privilege to fund foreign governments, for the purposes of funding proxy wars or providing military protection for any nation.
The United States military is for one reason – to protect the United States of America, not to be the world’s policeman. Nor is it to be used to determine what nations are ‘winners and losers’ from an economic, political or other standpoint.
Additionally, acting to provide the American people what they want is not the purpose of the government. “If the government is to be a Sugar Daddy,” I noted, “send me $90 million. That’s what I want so it’s your job to be Santa Claus or my Sugar Daddy and give it to me.”
Rather Congress is to act in accordance with the limitations given them by the Constitution.
Two can’t have both, Greg. Either you are my Sugar Daddy, so I expect my check shortly, or you are following the law which limits you severely. You cannot hand out whatever you decide to hand out.
In November, we get to decide whether we want to have Sugar Daddies that dole out the allowance they decide to give us when they determine it best for them or have a country based on the principles of liberty. Again, you cannot have both.
Greg’s lack of understanding of our nation led me to which publishes the voting record of each Senator and Representative at the state as well as federal level. I wanted to see how well Greg was embracing the Supreme law of the land.
Well, Greg votes in accordance with a strict interpretation of the Constitution only 5% of the time, I learned. That’s down from a 15% I noticed a few months ago.
Now, personally, I don’t think Americans should wait until the next election to rid themselves of individuals who ignore the directives and confines of their job description. They should be fired immediately and a special election called to replace the deadbeat.
But, you argue, there would probably be several hundred special elections over the next couple of years. True.
Which means America would depend much less of the government when Congress doesn’t have enough people available to make a quorum. But, in my opinion, that’s much better than keeping Congress functioning and marching the country to oblivion.
Lastly, you may wish to learn how to Prosper in a Socialist Society, which is a book I wrote recently detailing the same. In it, I provide several case studies of individuals who thrived while living in tyranny.