I was running late this afternoon as I had to work some overtime to help out the business.
As I was hustling to get home, a co-worker asked me why I was in such a rush. I replied, “I need to get home and write.”
“Yes, write. I write every day, attempting to write for an hour or two every day.”
“What are you writing?” Bri asked.
“I’m writing a book” was my reply.
“Oh, really, what about?”
“It’s entitled Prospering in a Socialist Society.”
Bri looked at me with glazed eyes and in a daze that said, “I have no idea why you’d ever right about that…”
Bri continued, “There are several other people in here writing books as well. Chris is writing about growing flowers. John is writing about being Gay….” Bri trailed on and on about the various books others were writing.
I asked, “Do you understand socialism at all?”
Bri replied, “Of course. It’s a governmental system where everyone is treating much more equitably than in our current society. And the government monitors these things to ensure it happens.”
It was my turn to give Bri a look of glazed eyes while being in a daze while I thought to myself, “Wow, you feign having an education pretty well.”
“May I give you something to think about?”
“OK. There are two ways any person can live. You can live free and make the choices, good or bad, for yourself. Or you can have someone else determine your choices for you.
“Living free is a society where you live following a moral standard and so does everyone else. As a result, only the standard makes the rules to follow. A good example is the Ten Commandments. Should you follow those as the basis for your life, these are the only rules you need to follow.
“On the other hand, you have someone else make the choices for you results in thousands and thousands of pages of rules. This is called an oligarchy and is the basis for Naziism, Socialism and Communism.
“All you have to do is to look at the number of pages written for just one law. I’ll pick ObamaCare, not to pick on it, but to demonstrate this one law, or rule if you will, governs one small piece of society. We have hundreds of similar pieces of legislation as well.
“So which society, based on what I just said, are we living in?”
“We’re living free…”
“So you are living free even though we have thousands and thousands upon thousands of laws and regulations?”
“I see your point. We’re living in a society where someone else is making all the decisions for me.”
“And is it working well?”
“So you just agreed that socialism doesn’t work well.”
“But that isn’t socialism.”
“May I suggest you need to stop feigning being education. I do not desire to be rude or an ass, but please take some time to understand before you comment on things you know little about.
“You wouldn’t want this from your doctor, would you? You want a doctor who’s spent years practicing and studying their craft. I am simply suggesting you spend some time understanding what you are embracing.”
“I suggest an older booklet entitled An Overview of Our World. I’ll bring you a copy should you agree you will at least glance through it.”