Our entire society, in fact, our entire world is based on it. Without it, technology would cease to exist (pretty much).
Good enough is never good enough and the old saying “it’s good enough for government work” leads only to poor or dismal results.
We all know that. What am I speaking about? Six Sigma.
As in 6 standard deviations. 3 below the target, three above. An engineer designs a part which has a hole in the center of it. The hole is to be 1.000 + 0.020 inches in size.
The part on each hole is measured as it is a critical dimension and the actual dimension documented on an excel spread sheet. Over time, a curve is drawn based on those data points from the Excel spread sheet. And the result is a bell-shaped curve.
Plus and minus three standard deviations from this hole dimension is otherwise known as six-sigma. And Six-Sigma is why our car engines run for hundreds of thousands of miles rather than 50-100k miles.
Yeah, I know my explanation is elementary but KEEP READING as I am about to divulge a MASSIVEly profound point.
Before I do, should you really want to be in awe of this six-sigma thing, pick up a copy of 80-20 Sales and Marketing. It’ll show you the world runs on… No, LIFE is six-sigma as well as the 80-20 (otherwise known as the Paredo) Principle.
Anyone with any sort of technical understanding today has been schooled in Edwards Deming 14 points of management as well as his red-bead demonstrations.
Here’s the profound point. We know all this (up to this point) to be true.
Then HOW does diversity and equality work into this? Aren’t we taking a scientific principle and that almost every aspect of life can be charted to have a bell-shaped curve to it and flatting the curve?
I guess that’s why Fauci needed two weeks to flatten the curve. Two weeks to stupefy the world into believing diversity and equality actually exists. NO IT DOESN’T!
Am I saying I should not be respectful of others beliefs and not allow them to have an equal chance in life? No.
I am saying the bell shape curve never lies and some people are good at some things, others are good at other things. Some occupations pay more than others. Some houses are more ornate than others. Some clothing is much more valuable than others.
The key is to figure out what aspect of life you are most likely to be able to leverage so the 80-20 Rule works in your favor.
That’s not diversity or equality.
That’s being smart and a good steward of the assets you have been blessed with.
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