Soon you will find
You don’t know who you are
or who to trust
or what your gender is
But your overseers will have all the answers you need
Because they have daily told you what to think until your ears bleed
‘Follow the science’ when it comes to health
Ignore what you may be telling yourself
And completely ignore the science when you determine your gender
My advice? Male and female are the only options – sorry for my candor
No one and that’s a must
Unless they’re from the government because they are here to help you
If you don’t believe that MAN will they sue
you into financial oblivion.
Mao said the Revolution must continue
Without a constant stir
To make everything seem like a blur
The masses will come to the conclusion
Despots and dictators provide nothing of substance and nothing that is fun
They deserve the bath of tar and feathers
The change we need is a world of Republics. That is what truly matters.
But since we seem to love the march the world into socialism
It may benefit you to know how to prosper while living in such a system
These strategies can be found HERE. Ignoring them will result in a big problem
For yourself and your loved ones.