This morning I was working on resetting the faucet displays with Norm.

At one point, I lost track of one of the displays. I searched several times and still could not find it.

Several minutes passed, and suddenly, it somehow appeared in front of my face.

“I found it!” I said loudly. In fact, I said it way to loudly, as the store managers were in the next aisle. They slowly walked into view and asked if there was anything wrong.

Not to be deterred, I shouted “I found it!” raised my fist into the air and pistoned it up and down several times for emphasis. To my surprise, the top manager responded with the same gesture while shouting, “GREAT!!”

Norm burst out laughing, both at me as well as his surprise that management would respond in such an ‘unprofessional’ way.

Another employee commented management will have to separate us like they did in elementary school when we acted up.

But that’s exactly what we need. We need to respond to our elected officials and our government SERVANTS in a very unprofessional manner.


Our elected officials and our government servants have demonstrated their desire for power and wealth over their taking their responsibility to the American people to heart.

They’ve stolen billions (during the Covid pandemic as well as the TARP funding). They’ve stolen away rights only God and the Constitution gives individuals.

They have brought dishonor on the country.

And you expect me to treat them in a professional manner.

Rather, they are the ones deserving the treatment currently experienced by the protesters on January 6th. I am not defending breaking the law. I am not defending insurrection.

I am arguing for JUSTICE for all. Not simply locking up the few to scare the shit out of the many.

What are some unprofessional ways to treat our government at this time?

  • Refuse to do business using the Federal Reserve note by pushing your state to mint its own gold and silver coins. No movement of the Feds money will quickly demonstrate how much trust you can truly put into it.
  • Refuse to sell to the Federal government. If Washington can’t get any supplies, tough!
  • Move your investments from the Biden’s crony corporations to American corporations. You know them. The ones that aren’t woke.
  • Do business within your group of Americans to ensure your money only flows within the economy you are creating with ONLY fellow Americans.
  • Buy all the oil, coal and hydroelectric stock you can. These are the real energy sources and is the power behind America’s modern economic engine. You control that power, you control what happens in Washington.

In short, stop funding your death – your financial death as well as your personal, physical death. The Washington Power-mongers are laughing at you every day as they slowly steal every facet of life from you.

Straight-Forward Insights -
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My name is Ted Leithart and I'm here to challenge YOU to reach your highest potential and calling, faster than you ever thought possible. Insightful, thought-provoking and spiritually superior (although sometimes offensive) emails to you almost every day. My desire is to assist hundreds of thousands of people around the world. And I want YOU to be next! 

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