I just heard where the Biden Administration is blowing their horn about the number of jobs they have created over the past three years.
Most politicians do this.
Look what I did for you. ObamaCare. MediCare. MediCare Advantage programs. New jobs. Higher tech jobs. Less cost for your college tuition.
First, they did not create jobs or anything else. They cannot.
One of the definitions of creation is the act of making, inventing or producing. Let’s see the results of some of the Creations of government for the past few years.
ObamaCare. Has it made money for the government? Has it broken even? Has it lost money? I’d argue its lost money as otherwise, the government would not have a $1.7 trillion increase in debt over the past 12 months.
The same with MediCare or Education or anything else the government is involved in. Government does not have to be as efficient as the private sector because they can write off the difference through higher taxes or devaluing the currency.
Secondly, where does government have the privilege to do anything to the economy? It doesn’t.
There’s only 17 specific duties the Federal government has. All the other duties are reserved to the States or the people. The government cannot even Constitutionally pass laws to give themselves these duties as the Constitution specifically says law that is passed must fall within the confines of the specific 17 duties.
As Barack said, government ‘didn’t build that…’ The people did, all within the private sector (because the public sector can only spend money it receives through taxes and tariffs (or fraud, in the case of the Federal Reserve).
At the same time, we have tyrants touting how great their work has been to America.
Tell you what. Pass no more CRs. Add not one more cent to the public debt. Crash the economy… Within a short time period, individuals who make, invent and produce things will say “THIS IS STUPID” and the only entity preventing them from taking a crashed economy to a world-class economy are – the people on Capitol Hill.
Allow my experiment to flounder, crash, burn and resurrect for 12 months. And without Washington (and other despots interfering), there will be a new cheer at the football games in the Fall of 2024. Rather than FJB it will be “F*** Washington. Who needs it anyway?”
Until we take the situations seriously, we will continue toward a socialist utopia (that’s supposed to be an oxymoron if you graduated from a government indoctrination center). So you better learn how to thrive these days.
You can. Easily. Just CLICK HERE to learn about Prospering In A Socialist Society.